Frequently Asked Questions
Describe the Membership of the Cornwall Outdoor Club de Plein Air?
The membership ranges in age from 25 to 90 years old. Members consist of singles, couples and families who all share an interest in outdoor activities. The membership varies between 65-80 members.
Is the club bilingual?
The club represents the community of Cornwall and SD&G which has an ethnic diversity. About half the members are bilingual (French and English).
Who is on the Club Executive and how are they elected?
The Club Executive consists of elected members. They are voted in annually by the members at the General Meeting / Christmas Party. Meet our Executive.
What types of events does the club offer?
The club participates in events throughout the year. They have included snowshoeing, ice skating, cross country skiing, downhill skiing, cycling, hiking, indoor rock climbing, mountain hikes, swimming, canoe and kayaking, overnight camping trips, cottage weekends, social events (Picnics, Suppers, Christmas Parties) and much more.
What regions has the club ventured to in the past?
Normally the events are within a two-hour radius of Cornwall, Ontario. We explore the counties of SD&G, the Laurentian Mountains and Gatineau Hills of Quebec, Adirondacks of New York, lakes and parks of Eastern Ontario. Larger trips have taken us to Northern Ontario, Vermont, New Hampshire and the Quebec City area. Visit Activity Photos for more.
How and when do I sign up for an event?
Call the activity leader as early as possible. There may be changes to the event or meeting place, therefore arrive early. The times listed on the schedule are departure times.
What do the levels mean?
The levels are a guideline as to the difficulty of the event ('1' being easier and '4' being most difficult). The levels are listed on the schedule; the activity leader can give more details. See example of Levels.
What should I bring on an event (clothing, food)?
This all depends on the season and type of event. Contact the activity leader for more details.
What is the Cornwall Outdoor Club annual waiver?
Once a year (January 1 to December 31) all participants to a Cornwall Outdoor Club de Plein Air event must sign a waiver. It is a legal document outlining the responsibilities of the participant. Read the waiver for more details.
What is an '"Open Event"'?
Open Events do not require a participant to sign a waiver. There is no carpooling and they are usually hosted by other groups such as the City of Cornwall or the Friends of the Bird Sanctuary.
Can I attend an overnight event as a guest?
Guests can attend overnight events if they submit a waiver prior to the event. Contact the membership officer for further details.
What do I need when traveling to the USA?
To enter the USA it is required that all participants bring a valid passport to cross the border. It is also recommended that participants purchase health insurance for the period in which they are traveling in the USA. Insurance can be purchased at banks, travel agencies or your insurance broker.
I am a new guest to the club, can I attend any activities, before I join?
A new guest can attend up to two months of activities excluding overnight events. This is to allow the guest to get to know the members and the events before deciding to join the club. After the two month period the guest must decide if he/she is going to join.
I am a past member, or returning guest from a previous year, can I attend any activities, before I (re)join?
A returning guest or past member can only attend a maximum of two events for the year, excluding "Open Events". The return guest policy is meant for friends of members who want to participate occasionally with the club.
I am interested in joining the club - what do I do?
To join the club an individual must submit a completed membership form and the membership fee. For further information refer to the Join Us page or contact the membership officer.
Are members voted into the club?
All members are voted into the club by the executive.
What type of equipment does the club have?
The club has the following equipment - Snowshoes (7 pairs), a tent (2 person), canoes (3), a sea kayak, first aid kits (4), walkie talkies, a bike rack, a food barrel for camping. See the complete list.
Who can sign out the equipment? Who is given the priority?
Members can sign out the club equipment; they must follow the equipment rules found in the Constitution. Newer members are given priority over older members to encourage participation. Sign out the equipment with the activity leader for the specific event as early as possible
How is the club organized?
The club has a Constitution that outlines the purpose, structure and function of the club. It can be downloaded through this link.